

カテゴリー名 ニーモニック 説明
Antivirus @antivirus Antivirus update
Application Service @application_service Background service
Audio/Video @audio_video Application/Protocol used to transport audio or video content
Authentication @authentication Protocol used for authentification purposes
Behavioral @behavioral Protocol classified by non-deterministic criteria based on statistical analysis of packet form and session behavior.
Compression @compression Compression layers
Database @database Protocol used for database remote queries
Encrypted @encrypted Encryption protocol
ERP @erp Enterprise Resource Planning application
File Server @file_server File transfer protocol
File Transfer @file_transfer Protocol used for user-to-user file transfers via Instant-Messaging applications.
Forum @forum Web forum
Game @game Gaming protocol
Instant Messaging @instant_messaging Instant messaging application
Mail @mail Email exchange protocol
Microsoft Office @microsoft_office Microsoft office sub-protocol
Middleware @middleware Platform protocol for remote procedure calls
Network Management @network_management Protocol used for IT management
Network Service @network_service Low level network protocol
Peer to Peer @peer_to_peer Peer to peer application
Printer @printer Printer communication protocol
Routing @routing Network routing protocol
Security Service @security_service Workstation security application
Standard @standard Basic layers
Telephony @telephony Telephony core network protocol
Terminal @terminal Remote terminal protocol
Thin Client @thin_client Remote control protocol
Tunneling @tunneling Tunneling protocol
Wap @wap Mobile specific transport protocol
Web @web Generic web traffic
Webmail @webmail Web email application
